Text saying online Spanish lessons for adults

Text saying Hola

I’m Anabel! I’ve been teaching Spanish online to adults since 2017 and I like making languages fun to learn. Picture of me

Having a good relationship with my students is very important - making the lessons personal to help them engage means they always look forward to learning Spanish! This is reflected by the fact I have had students who I’ve taught for a number of years, and have become friends with (I’ve even been to their weddings!).

Learning a new language can be stressful, boring, and frustrating but in my lessons we try to never forget how amazing it is to learn a new language by having fun!

I’m from southern Spain (near Seville!). I am not only native but I also studied linguistics at university because I'm very passionate about languages.

Pitacho was born out of the idea of placing greater importance on effective communication rather than exact pronunciation and grammar when speaking a new language. “Pistacho” is the Spanish word for “pistachio”, however my grandmother has always pronounced it “pitacho”. In addition to being the inspiration for our name, this is a perfect example of how a small mistake does not hold you back in communicating your ideas. I believe that coherently communicating in a new language is the building blocks to becoming a fluent speaker.
A quote saying 'Do you know what a foreign accent is? A sign of bravery' from Amy Chua