About Me

¡Hola! I’m Anabel, a Spanish teacher based in the UK and the founder of Pitacho. Photo of me
  • Native Spanish speaker
  • BA Spanish Linguistics and Literature (Universidad de Huelva)
  • Classroom management (International house - online course)
  • Dyslexia and Foreign Language teaching (Lancaster University - online course)
  • Attention to students with sensory disabilities: deafness and blindness (Universidad Antonio de Nebrija - online course)
  • Attention to students with behavioural disorders or hyperactivity: autism and ADHD (Universidad Antonio de Nebrija - online course
  • Understanding Autism (Open University - online course)
  • Spanish language assistant: Y9, Y10, Y11, Y12 and Y13 (Brighton Secondary school)
  • 8 years of tutoring experience in Spain and the UK
  • 6 years of online tutoring experience
  • 3 months of internship teaching Year 7, Year 8 and Year 10
  • 5 months tutoring a Year 1 boy following the English National Curriculum
  • Red Cross volunteer teaching children (Reception, Year 1, Year 2 and Year 3)